Friday, July 24, 2009

Oz and Hawaii! Amazing!

Hello from rainy Ottawa :) :) :) :) (Written in October)

As per usual it's been a real long time since I've wrote on here...but hey I'm back :) Life is going great for me...pretty standard routine I've got, play, freak out a bit about where and what I should be doing with my life....and then get over and realize that all is good :)

I'm home! It is true, home is where the heart is! I've had the chance to spend lots of time with my niece Molly and my nephew Gabriel. They are absolutely amazing! I love them both to pieces and can't get over how awesome it is to watch them grow and learn. Very cool! I'm actually on a bus that has WiFi heading to Toronto to meet the new man of my life :) Yup, I'm shacked up and it's wonderful! His name is Tim and he's absolutely amazing :)

I've been all over the Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec area for the past couple months. Visiting and catching up with friends and family. I'm teaching English at the moment to children/teens in Korea via the wonderfull world of the internet :) I get up super early to teach kids that are at their homes. It's an extra bit of English a day for those kids.

My travels prior to getting home were awesome! Australia was really good. It was almost like a mini-vacation within a long extended vacation. Yeah, I know I"m pretty spoiled! I stayed with two of my friends that I had met in Banff years ago. They were the hosts with the mosts!

I went to every type of rugby game invented, drank beer at a few local watering holes including the bowling club and a golf club. Laid on the beach, read, went beach fishing, caught no fish...Went on the look out for kangaroos, saw sooo many roo's! They are wild to see in the wild! They move like no other animal, using their tails to push them along. It was raining when we were supposed to go beach fishing for the first time, so instead my friends took me down the coast to find kangaroos. I thought maybe we would see one, maybe! Nope, I was so wrong! We pulled up beside a cricket field and boom Kangaroos everywhere!!! It was spectacular! I can only imagine what it would be like to be on an African safari and see all those wild animals in their natural habitats!

Not only did I go to two amazing zoos, I got to join my friends on a 'seal experience'. My friend Lara that I was staying with entered this contest to name the new baby sea lion at Toranga Zoo. Well, turn out she won with the name Nala (after girl lion in the Lion King). It was fantastic, we got to have a private little one on one session with this grandpa of a seal!

After my wonderful experience in Australia I headed home via Honolulu. Honolulu as it lies right out there in the pacific was the cheapest way to fly home through. The way it was suppose to happen was that I would land in Honolulu around 8am and then fly out that night around 11. As at the end of most backpacking trips I had very little money. So, I had planned on walking around Waikiki and checking out the beach. However, just before I left Oz I found out I could go snorkling (snorkling, bus and snorkle) all for the bargain price of 15 US dollars! So, I did!

Wowoweee!!! Haunama Bay is this ::::

I saw so many wonderful fish and many sea turles it was the best ever! I saw Dori (didn't catch Nemo though) and mostly I floated about the sea turtles. I was astonished by the big, slow beautiful animals.

I also had time to catch the beach strip in Waikik and check out some awesome surfers! After a long day of laying on the beach and snorkling I headed back to the airport. Boarded my plane only to have it basically stall! Yup, there I am chatting with this nice guy about our trips and Vrooooom, plane dies! Crazy, I know! Turns out there were problems with the auxillary power (back up power) and when they went to test it, it failed. Long story short, we waited forever to end up being put up in a sweet hotel all expenses paid for 24hrs until we could catch another flight out the next night. It was great cuz I had my own room, free food and a luxurious hotel with a view of the ocean! I was super ticked though! Yup, prooves I'm a bit of a princess! hhaaha really though, all I wanted to do was get home....nonetheless I did take full adavantage of another day in Waikik.

Since being back I can truly say I love my home :) I love having so much of my family and friends withing driving distance. I will travel again, probably sooner then later but man it's nice to be home :)

Sending everyone so much peace, love and smiles for their fall season!


Mount Mudang Defeated!

Mount Mudang Defeated!